Eelin and I went into Manhattan to go shopping. A stop at Tiffany’s to pick up a wedding present (you get a lot of mileage out of that blue box!), then we went to Chinatown for lunch at a vegetarian dim sum restaurant Eelin had heard about. Deeelicious. But didn't sit well on my tummy. I do hope that is a one-time occurrence!
I am finding getting around in the City a little strenuous. Gotta do something serious about my fitness level when I get back home.
Petey’s best friend is a little Bichon next door (he lives with Robert & JP) who was scheduled for an operation either Thursday or Friday. I called both Robert and JP for an update. Waiting to hear.
We do massive amounts of laundry. Eelin is happy to have the car to drive everything to the laundrymat, so we load up the car with everything, comforters, the works. Petey is happy to supervise.
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