Travels with Petey

Friday, April 18, 2008

Just About to Shut the Door

Petey and I are in a motel in Waynesboro, VA. Tomorrow I will drop him off at the kennel and go to Monroe Inst. We have been driving for days, just days and days. We had a lovely night at Jack and Barb's house (brother & sis in law). I like these people and it pleases me to be related to them. Jack is fond of Rachel Ray and always cooks her food for me when I visit. Good idea! Great meal!

I set the Garmin to go to the kennel from Jack's house, figuring I would scope out the kennel, then find a motel nearby. Nuh-uh! Lady G routed me up a very scary windy narrow mountain road into the George Washington National Forest. I kept saying to Petey, "At least it's paved, at least it's paved." Then along the top of the world (Blue Ridge Parkway?) and down again. Backroads all the way. And we never found the kennel. Nor are there motels in that place. Back to I-64 and civilization. The motel is about 2 min away from where we left Hwy 81, and a half hour from the kennel. So why did the Garmin take us the looooong way around, endanger our lives (or so it seemed) and use up all that time, courage, and gas. (I paid $3.60 in VA for gas! Sheesh!) I need to learn to read a map while using the nav system and save myself another experience like today's. On internet, got clearer directions to the kennel. Left a wakeup call for 6am.

Tomorrow I will go off-line for a week. I expect to gain a personal operating system upgrade, and come home with serious new skills and insights. I will journal the best of it, and post to this blog when I get access again next weekend. What an adventure coming up!


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