So I am asking the Universe, here at Monroe, to help me find and express my authenticity. I have often been accused of being inauthentic (which accusation I hate) and in some circles in which I run, authentic is a buzzword used as praise, and a socially necessary criterion, without which you are toast. So when I see the group leader, Patty, haul out “authenticity” as a goal here, my greedy, insecure, socially hopeful inner child reaches out and gloms onto the possibility that at last, I can become truly authentic. I want THAT!
Here are some prayer flags I painted in studio time.
If I have that, I will be acceptable, even admirable, maybe even sought after. Authentic is on the horizon. Sheesh! So please, Lord, help me to stay off that mindset, because I actually do know this – If I am chasing authenticity I will not be authentic. I can’t be, actually. Paradox paradigm. So then, what is the best use of this time and money? What is the thing to do, learn, be, accomplish that makes the pain of driving here, etc. etc. be well spent? I will breathe and listen out. Then I will breathe and listen in. Then I will breathe and listen. Then I will breathe; then I will listen. I will let what arises, arise. Then I will paint. I will pray to all above that They will sit with me and walk with me, and direct me towards my authentic self. Authentically.
Time here is broken up into Hemi-Sync®, exercises (this is the right-brain, left-brain technology), studio time, and eating. We eat really well, and fairly often.
Our first project was to paint a banner as a group. Here is my group's banner.

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