Travels with Petey

Saturday, May 18, 2013

After Monroe

I'm in Indiana on my way home from Gateway Voyage, a week-long experience/class in consciousness given by the Monroe Institute.  ( 
     I learned a lot!
All of it seemed new, probably because I've actually grown since I first took it. (Not just aged, actually grown.)
My presenting question and reason for going to Gateway was, "What do I want to be when I grow up?"
It's been answered. In short, a Fairy Godmother. In long, Fairy-Godmother-hood is still in its infancy. I have a lot to learn, a lot of skills to develop, a long way to go. But the seeds have been planted. The initiation has been initiated. I need to be, know, and have a lot more than currently is in my backpack. 
So what?
I've got a long life ahead of me. And I can't imagine I would enjoy anything else more. 
Things I need to develop/begin to use now are: (1) learn how to recognize what I need to do; (2) pull together the knowledge and skills to get it done; (3) get myself funded in body energy, in mental energy, in spiritual and emotional energy, and even, when its called for, in wallet energy.  Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical energy are much more in demand in the Fairy Godmother profession than wallet energy. 
Here is what a Fairy Godmother does for and with you:
     Facilitates your gifts. 
     Illuminates your path. 
     Assists you in overcoming your obstacles. 
Ask me a question.