NJ All Day -- I have until 9pm to get to Secaucus, NJ and pick up my child after her work, so I drive slowly through some pretty suburbs towards Princeton when my dear friend Baba calls. She lives in NYC but will not be there over the long weekend. Talking with Baba is a real treat, so the morning takes on an even better glow. Petey and I had breakfast in Princeton, sitting at a table in the shade across from the campus, really enjoying the morning and the people-watching.
We went through suburbs and small towns and stopped everywhere we saw something interesting to stop for. A lotta lotta little coffee shops and little main streets. I loved every minute. We got to Secaucus early, had a bite to eat and napped in the parking lot until Eelin left work.
We went into Manhattan via the Lincoln Tunnel, and the West Side Highway; and to Brooklyn through the Battery Tunnel. I am glad to be at a stopping place. And I am super joyed to be with daughter person. We immediately began to plan excursions and meals. I am no longer alone on the road. I am with my most precious person. And talking and eating resumes.