Waynesboro, VA -- I had no internet access the last two nights, so I have been doing a lot of traveling without any posts. First night fairly tired, only got as far as Cocoa. Second night I made it all the way to brother's house (he's Jack, wife is Barb), a log cabin mansion on top of a mountain south of Asheville, NC. The road up is gravel, one lane, a cliff going up on one side and a cliff going down on the other. Sheesh! (But this am I drove down all by myself! for the first time. Earlier trips I made my brother drive my car down the mountain for me.)

Tonight we are in a motel in Waynes- boro, with Petey needing a 7am arrival at puppy camp, Mrs Doolittles Kennel in Nellysford, VA, a place I love. I will take a pic there tomorrow.
VA is expecting spring. Sky is grey, everything is damp, and my feet are cold. But there are hints, daffodils blooming everywhere, the dogwood is out and the redbud trees are (say this phrase in a breathy voice) softly, softly hinting at MAH..., and GENT..., and TAH. In a week you will cry when you look at them.
I have been looking for happy, happy, joy, joy coming up the road. Maybe I am really tired, maybe I need more spring, maybe I need an attitude adjustment. I can't quite grasp it. When I see the beauty beauty things, I say, "nice." And I look for the hhjj experience and it's not there. And I can't "fake it til I make it" on this particular agenda.
In meditation, on the Staircase, in the red area "Expect", one is taught not to look for a repeat, but something new and unexpected, a "never before" sort of experience, So okay, that is my assignment. Look at things with new eyes, feel with new feelings, think with new thoughts, and love with new lovings. Just laying out this assignment give me lighter shoulders and a feeling of relief. Nothing is lost. New will be gained. Wheee! I wonder what is the next incarnation of happy, happy, joy, joy.
Tomorrow I will be at The Monroe Institute (http://www.monroeinstitute.com/, program is called "Creative Flow") for a week. I will not have internet, I probably will not post until next Friday, April 3rd. I will take pics of all the creative produce of all the people, and then I will post mine and the best of the rest.