Travels with Petey

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Baby Steps

So I want to take a look at a couple of things here, (1) How much is enough? (2) Do I have enough? (3) Where do I have more than enough? (4) Am I even capable of getting rid of excess? I thought I would starts with one of the easiest areas - the refrigerator.

Door - top shelf; soy milk, ok; V-8, ok; greens powder, probiotics, flaxseed oil, all ok. This is easy. Next shelf - Do I really need three kinds of mustard? How many are (Four Yellow Plates Consciousness) enough? Sheesh! I don't know. Salads need dijon, brown for hot dogs. Strange gift mustard I never use, toss. Washing each shelf gives clean refrig and feeling of very-good-girl-ness.

Science experiments, out - a lot of them - I decide I am (1) wasteful, and (2) unconscious. Having too much leads to waste - what a good thing to know. Unconsciousness looms large as an undesirable trait. Add these insights to knowledge pile. (Sheesh! Pile increasement is not part of the exercise.)

Good, healthy food, keep. (Oh! I forgot I had that! ) Mental meal planning is ticking over like the totals on a gas pump. Twenty minutes and a full garbage bag later, I have a sparkling refrigerator and I have learned more about myself and my hoarding habits.
  • Having too much leads to waste.
  • Unconsciousness leads to having too much.

Let's get conscious! I will keep these in mind as this experiment/focus progreses. Now what will I tackle next?

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